home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, January 23, 2015 - Page 42 of 72 - << previous page : next page >>
Looking into Condor Flats
Looking into Condor Flats Click to switch to large image view
The DCA waits around 4:15pm
The DCA waits around 4:15pm Click to switch to large image view
The Bugs Theater is closed for refurbishment too.  So right now there are no 3D films with all three theaters closed or re-purposed.  No word yet on what is going on with Bugs or Magic Eye but best bet is more film previews are coming.  I would like to see something for the 60th.
The Bugs Theater is closed for refurbishment too. So right now there are no 3D films with all three theaters closed or re-purposed. No word yet on what is going on with Bugs or Magic Eye but best bet is more film previews are coming. I would like to see something for the 60th. Click to switch to large image view